Island positions Vol. 2 | Sept. – Oct. 2022 – Gorée Institute Policy briefs series

Island positions Vol. 2 | Sept. - Oct. 2022 - Gorée Institute Policy briefs series

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  • Taille du fichier 813.14 KB
  • Date de création 12/12/2022
Island positions Vol. 2 | Sept. - Oct. 2022 - Gorée Institute Policy briefs series

Political Transitions in the Sahel and its impact on civic voices of women and youth in Mali and Burkina Faso

Gorée Institute presents an ‘Island position’ as a policy brief series intended to contribute to the ongoing political discourse around the need for an inclusive and peaceful political transition in Mali and Burkina Faso. This is in line with key deliverables of the multi-year Power of Dialogue Program of Goree Institute designed to promote a peaceful democratic space and inclusive, responsive, and representative political decision-making process at all levels.